February 13th, 2013

Out of all the words I’ve written in my life, I’d hoped to never write words like these. Life has a way of making you face your worst fears sometimes, though, so here goes: I have breast cancer. A week from today I’ll be having a mastectomy. I don’t know much more about my treatment to come. I expect I’ll need chemo. Hoping not, but it seems likely.

I am 39 with no family history of cancer. I’m still under the age for which they recommend yearly mammograms. I’m lucky we found this. And we only found it because I listened to my body. Pay attention to your intuition. TRUST YOURSELF. And get your mammogram. Every. Year.

Any good thoughts or prayers you have for me and my family as we enter this journey are appreciated. I fully intend to KICK CANCER’S ASS. I fully intend to MAKE IT THROUGH THIS and I intend to do it with a positive attitude and hope in my heart.

19 comments to “Announcement”

  1. I’ll be praying for you. I have seen a lot of cancer with my own family and friends. Strong, healthy, loving thoughts coming your way.

  2. You have our thoughts and prayers! I just found out a week ago my best friend has endometriosis cancer, first stage; she is only 43 years old. I’ll be praying for both of you.

  3. i wish you a complete recovery, it will perhaps take some time but my prayers are with you

    keep hope

  4. I am sending positive thoughts your way for a complete and quick recovery. Just take care of yourself and do what the doctors tell you.

  5. You are in the thoughts and hearts of hundreds and hundreds of your readers. We are sending you positive thoughts and energy.

    You are going to recover 100%. We are all here cheering for you ever moment!

    Next week ,close your eyes and think of us, we will be right there holding your hand keeping you close as you get through your procedure.

    Love to your family who will be there supporting you in all of your moments and as you triumph over this cancer that is far too ugly to stay with you for long.

  6. Sending healing thoughts and keeping you and your family in my heart.

  7. Sending you strength and and healing thoughts. You go, girl. Kick cancer’s ass! *HUGS*

  8. Blessed Be Anya. I wish you a speedy recovery and keep your head up. I am sure your readers are behind you.

  9. I know you will beat this disease. My thoughts and good wishes will be with you and your family as you battle this illness. You are one of my favorite writers of all time. I can’t describe the joy your work has given me.

    I will be wishing you well everyday. Get well soon.

  10. 😉 god bless you dearheart. you kick its sorry butt. much love

  11. Love, prayers, and best thoughts.

  12. You have my prayers – you have the strength and conviction – nothing will take you down. Stay strong and stay well

  13. 🙁 That’s scary news indeed! Thankfully you caught it and I will keep the faith that you will beat it into submission and emerge a stronger woman for it. I’m sending positive, healing thoughts to you and yours.

  14. So sorry that you have to go through this. I am sending prayers for your quick and complete recovery.

  15. I will be praying for you. I am so sorry you have to go through this.

  16. Prayers and positive thoughts are with you. The love of your family and friends will see you through this.

  17. Thanks for the update Anya. I’ve had to deal with the good & bad results of cancer in my family over the last few years (fortunately not for myself) so I understand the toll it takes on a person, as well as, their family. I was SO happy to learn you were doing good & that they were able to get to it in time. My best wishes & prayers to you & your family!! (-:

  18. I am so sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. I hope you are on your way to a speedy recovery! You are an amazing woman who creates wonderful stories for all of us to enjoy. My prayers are with you and your family in this most difficult time! xoxoxo

  19. We stand with you during this time! We as your fans and supporters fight with you!
    You and your family will be prayed for and uplifted for courage strength and wisdom.

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