April 15th, 2013
Another Update

So it has been awhile since I last updated about my cancer journey. I hope, for the most part, it’s over.

I got the happy news that I will not be needing chemo. They analyzed the tumors using a test called the Oncotype DX, which determined that, as long as I take a drug which blocks estrogen in my body, the chances of the cancer returning is only about 8%. In my case, chemo would have no effect and would not lessen that 8% any further, so there’s no reason to undergo it.

I’m only 39 and I’ll be going into menopause because of this drug, but, hey, I also get to live. I call that a win.

Also, I had a test checking for a genetic component. If I had tested positive, I would have lost a couple more body parts. Thankfully, I tested negative. So, no more surgeries and no chemo. All I need to do is take a pill every day.

For my own part, I’m also juicing twice a day. Fruit in the morning, vegetables in the afternoon. Always organic everything. I have changed my diet to about 80% fruits and vegetables, total, juiced and solid. I consume zero processed foods. I’m eating less meat and drinking no alcohol. I’m exercising every day. Cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, ect all remain natural and as chemical free as possible.

I still have no clue where this cancer came from, and I’m going to do all I can to make sure it never visits my body again.

Today I’m going back to writing. I have about 5k emails in my inbox asking about a sequel to Pursuing Paige. I’m working on it!!! I’ll be wading through emails today, so, if you wrote, please expect a reply soon. 🙂

12 comments to “Another Update”

  1. So glad to hear you are over the worst parts!

  2. Thank you for sharing your good news! I pray for no return for the big C and that you continue to live a long and wonderful life! *hugs* Jen

  3. Hi Anya,

    I’ve followed your updates on FB and I am so very happy for the good news with the bad ones.

    Without having your scare, I did start a healthy food journey also last year. Please permit me to suggest a few documentaries that fascinated me: Hungry For Change, Food Matters, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and The Gerson Therapy.

    Good luck on your courageous journey and I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

  4. Sorry Anya, let me retype the first sentence of my previous comment: I’ve followed your updates on FB and I am so very happy for the good news within the bad ones.


  5. So happy that you are feeling better, live fully! 😛

  6. I am so happy for you and relieved. Stay well.

  7. So happy to see this great news, Anya. Continued healing and all good thoughts and positive energy coming your way!

  8. Very happy to hear your good news, much better than what could have been.

  9. good news, i do hope they stay as positive^^

    keep going and don’t give up try to find happy thought and you will win

  10. I am happy for you that the cancer is gone!!! 😀

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  12. Thats wonderful news! Im so happy the cancer is gone. Im sorry you had to go through that. Your in my thoughts hun. Best wishes and many blessings.

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